Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Satire in Catch 22 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Satire in Catch 22 - Essay typesetters caseBeing able to view war from both within and outside the bureaucrats decision-making z whizz, daemons readers bum assess the causes of war, non on the traditional proper(ip)-or-wrong judging standard, rather on the basis of the underlying bureaucratic motivation that has remained unnoticed by the critics in the post Second World War period. One of Hellers twisting propositions is that since the concept of right-or-wrong and the glory of war are essentially the projections of the bureaucratic polity, one should delve into the bureaucrats perception of the war in order to trace their idiotic manipulation of the ideology of war. Hellers success lies in his ability to take his readers to an excursion to the bureaucrats decision-making zone that often is forbidden to the mass commoners. From the laughter-invoking bureaucratic whims, he gradually takes his readers to a more serious exploration of the destructive effects of these warring whims on the soldiers as well as the mass commoners life. Focusing on the experiences of a bombardier, Yossarian, at the Air of Pianosa in Italy Heller goes on exhuming the offstage perversion, folly and idiocy of bureaucratic systems in modern society. Putting the right vs. wrong rhetoric of the stories on the Second World War aside, Heller questions whether the bureaucrats purpose behind the chimneypiece of patriotism and honor are healthy for modern society. He attacks on the composition of the provision of Catch-22 that is manipulated by different military and government official differently. These different interpretations of the doctrine of Catch-22 by different persons are shake up by their own ends. Therefore, the Catch-22 doctrine serves the military officials as a blank check to do any(prenominal) they want to. The military officials use it to achieve their own ends, whereas it is manipulated by them as a means to seize their subordinates. By putting the self-contradictory a nd circular logic of Catch-22 in application, Heller has tried to lay the problems and duality of the bureaucratic reasoning and operation. The narrator of the novel describes Catch-22 in the following manner There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for ones safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the handle of a rational mind. (Heller 78). that in the lines that immediately follow this definition, the narrator upholds the peculiarity and circularity of the provision, as he says, Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to aerify more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didnt, but if he were sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didnt have to but if he didnt want to he was sane and had to. (Heller 176) Yossarian make out delighted to find that this clause can keep his friend Orr away from going to further missions. But Hellers readers cannot but note the fact that this clause provides the military bureaucrats with enormous power to do anything without being accountable to anyone, as at some point, a military police says, Catch-22 states that agents enforcing Catch-22 need not prove that Catch-22 actually contains whatever provision the accused violator is accused of violating.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Religion and Music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religion and Music - search Paper ExamplePeople face numerous situations where they are compelled to listen to music whether by extract or without it. Even in our Muslim state no matter where we go we are essential to listen to music. Restaurants, department stores, homes, cars there is no place where music isnt played. With the availability of cell phones, I pods and so many electronic gadgets like these have eased the access to listening to music. It is imperative for us to know that what our religion teaches us about music and to what extent it permits us to listen to it. For this we need to give ear to the rule book, Hadith and sayings of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and Prophets companions. According to these sources, music has been termed as haraam in our religion. Interpreters of the sanctum sanctorum Quran have identified the term lahwal hadith as listening and singing songs, purchase singers and buying instruments for amusement. Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Masood, a close c ompanion of the holy place Prophet was inquired the meaning of the phrase lahwal hadith and he answered, I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God, that it refers to ghinaa (singing). It is recollectd that he repeated this statement thrice and his views have been seconded by the Four Caliphs, the prominent Sahaba and other reliable personalities in Islam. Music is forbidden and alike regarded as a study sin in our religion. Playing of melodious instruments is also a major sin hence it is haraam to play the guitar, piano, drums etc. Imam Ali ibne Musa Reza says, And to be engrossed in musical instruments is also one of the great sins. (Bhimji) A verse from Surah Luqman in the Holy Quran is often offered as a proof of prohibition of music, And there are among men those who purchase idle talk in order to mislead others from Allahs path without knowledge, and who throw ridicule upon it. For such there will be a humiliating punishment. The word idle talk here refers to the word lahwal hadith which has been discussed earlier. This word has been interpreted in two more ways but they refer to shirk (polytheism) and diverting people from Allahs religion which takes us to the same idea of engaging in prohibited activities. (al-Kanadi) However there are contradicting views that offer be found among people and many misinterpret that music is permitted in our religion. The Quran says, And verily, We did favor some of the prophets over others, and to Dawood We gave the Psalms. This verse of the Quran is not a proof for those who consider music cosmos legal. Psalm (Zaboor) was the Holy Scripture that was given to Hazrat Dawood by Allah and it contained teachings of wisdom and talked about Allahs greatness. Nowhere in the holy book is it mentioned that music or musical instruments are allowed. The truth is that Prophet Dawood was blessed with a melodious voice which was intensely beautiful and captivating that when he recited the Zaboor men, birds, animals a nd jinn gathered around him to listen to his recitation. This in by no means indicate that Zaboor was reveled with musical instruments or talked about music.(al-Kanadi) Some people believe that another verse from the Holy Quran relating to Prophet Ayyub permits music and dancing. Allah the All Mighty, commands Prophet Muhammad in Holy Quran, And recall Our servant, Ayyub, when he cried unto his Lord, Verily, Satan has afflicted me with distress and suffering. It was said unto him, Strike the ground with your foot here is a spring for a cool bath and water to drink. Many Sufis have taken the phrase Strike the ground with your foot as an act for allowing music and dancing however the tafseer of the Holy Quran re

Sunday, April 28, 2019

A direct government action related to Amtrak Research Paper

A direct giving medication action related to Amtrak - Research opus Example presidential term owned corporation started its operation from 1971. It provides passenger train service in 46 states of U.S.A. and three provinces of Canada. Before 1971 the rail service was provided by several private corporations. Because of the declining financial jibe Amtrak was realized by U.S. congress. The board of directors members is appointed by the U.S. president and the senate of U.S. Most of the track of Amtrak is owned by the incubus railroads which is a major source of earning. Amtrak has also its revenue from the ticket sales. In spite of these earning Amtrak needs government subsidies. There were many controversies has disciplinen place about the direct government action. From the inauguration of Amtrak the financial condition was never stable. Despite of several financial aid given by the U.S. government Amtrak has never became ego sufficient. This is the main cause of the controvers ies about Amtrak. But from the year 2007-08 the number of riders increased continuously which is a ascending for the organization. This paper is an attempt to analyze that whether the government should continue to play a direct role in the operation of Amtrak. Description of Stakeholders The stakeholders of Amtrak ar the U.S. government, the employees of Amtrak and the board of directors, the passengers, the taxpayers and the companies who be partners of Amtrak. The government owns all the stock of Amtrak and thus they would larn the profit generated by Amtrak, but it is a fact that Amtrak has never been able to generate profit from 1971. The government has to provide subsidies for continuing the operation as it is an important medium of communication. The employees and the board of directors are the major stakeholders of the company. most 19000 employees employee is working with Amtrak till date. They are responsible to provide quality service to its passengers and take steps required to improve it and inform the U.S. congress about the operations of Amtrak (duty of inspector general) (Amtrak Office of Inspector General, About Amtrak OIG). The taxpayers are providing tax and funding a major part of the needed capital of Amtrak. Some private companies or other government companies are work as the partner of Amtrak like Access America, AAA, eBags, Continental Airlines, iSeatz, Greyhound. They are the stakeholders of Amtrak as they have certain interest that how Amtrak will perform in the future and it is sensitive end to continue partnership with them. The passengers are the major stakeholders as they are paying the price of the tickets and receiving the service. They would take the close whether to continue travelling in the railroad or take some other medium. Arguments in aver of Governments Direct Role According to some critics if Amtrak get privatized then the company would flummox self sufficient and would generate profit. The private companies w ould divest the operations which is not so profitable. But at that place are also lots of demerits of this decision. These are described as follows. If the transport medium gets privatized there is a high chance that the price of transport would increase and the common people get affected, as this would cost more. There would be less money in peoples hand and this could be a reason of economic crisis. Though the organization is generating a loss every year the government is providing subsidies to them. The new-fashioned increase of riders results in shine the net loss of the company. If the private sector would be there they would take measures for cost cutting or steps to increase the revenue. They can generate more revenue by increasing the costs of tickets or the cost of advertising and cut down the costs by decrease the budget which may lead to some lower

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Contract law as practiced in Europe Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

repress law as practiced in Europe - Case Study ExampleThe aim of this garner is to examine whether your wife has a chance of getting a favourable settlement in chat up if she decides to take legal action against you after all.The issue here is whether pennys case will succeed if brought to court. In other words, will the case find you, Max Power, liable of paying centime the money that you owe her for support for the past six months This is give the fact that the two of you be still legally wed under the Irish Family Law Act 1995 and you having promised to support your wife who is unable to work because of the work countersink fortuity that she had five years ago. These are the questions I, as your legal adviser, will be trying to dissolve in this letter.As to whether Pennys case will succeed if it comes before any Irish family court, I strongly believe that your wife stands a higher chance of convincing the judge to force you to clear the spectacular balance and to con tinue paying her the monthly allowances. This is if she accuses you on other railway yard apart from the current grounds of ostensibly breaking a bundle. However, since she has opted to sue you for breaking a consider, I believe that her case does not stand a chance in a court of law in England. This is because there is no legal document that exists showing that the two of you entered in any stamp of contract. ... 3 In June 2008, you go away for Dubai and left your wife alone at home4 You verbally agreed to pay Penny support allowances of $1500 verbally and you did so for six months5 In January 2009, you met Stacey Floodgates and soon took her in as your cooperator6 Since January 2009, you defaulted on paying Penny her monthly allowances7 Five years ago, Penny had an accident which left her unable to work, and so she had been relying on her husbands support payments for upkeep8 The reason why Penny is suing you is because she believes that the contract between the two of you, though verbal, was bindingRule Statement and Rule SynthesisFor a contract to be binding under the European code of conduct, there are some requirements that it has to meet. These are generally referred to as the three cs (Gordley, 2008). The first is the cause, whereby a reason should have emerged that required for the drafting of the contract (Gordley, 2008). The second is consideration. This is whereby the two parties must have identified the form of contract that is best to enter into to given their circumstances. The third and most important aspect of a contract in our case here is the have (Gordley, 2008). This is an indication that the parties went through the contract and agreed to abide by the terms provided for there. This consent is indicated in form of a signature that is appended by both parties in the contract. Without a signature, leave alone without the written document, the contract is null and void, and nobody can be accused of breaching it. The only exception wher eby an actual signature is not needed on the document is when the contract is done online (Orlando, 2009). But even these form of contracts, under the Irish law that governs electronic contracts,

Friday, April 26, 2019

Humanities modern era Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humanities modern era - Term root word Exampleas survived through all the ages in the history, yet it has become omni bow in the present age because of the great deals ease of access to the tools that can be used for violence. This has had immense disturb on the moral status of the individuals in the society. Gradually, people control become immune to activities they considered violent in the past like killing and raping. Violence seems to scar the era and to leave its mark on the humanities. cultivationd disorder has broken out in many countries in the Arabia in the recent years. People have started to revolt against their own leaders. Many a leaders have been killed including Saddam Hussain and Muammar Gaddafi by the people in an attempt to free the lands from the hold of dictators and alter the political and socioeconomic conditions of the countries for the better, barely the consequences have been all but favorable even for the mutineers themselves. Millions of people in Ir aq and Afghanistan have been killed by the American soldiers since the 9/11 incident. The race of the American soldiers that has been killed by the people in return is also not very insignificant.The popular culture as an essential element of the modern era has also played a cardinal subprogram in the spread of violence. TV, computer and Internet are all technological milestones of the modern era. They have been frequently employed for the spread of violence in the society through sexually explicit motion pictures and violent video games. Young generation has been targeted to develop the violent skills. The violent programs projected in the media are the most comfortable and cost effective sources of in-house virtual education and training.Violence has spread to such a level that it has challenged peoples religious beliefs. The war on terror has been commenced solely for the purpose of achieving the very modernity, and has had many potentially negative implications for the Musl ims all over the world. Political Islam is now portrayed as a critique

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Major Assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Major assigning - Research Paper ExampleHis horsemen using bows and arrows conquered broad stretches of land in Asia from the present day capital of Red China in China in the east to parts of present day Iran in the west. Genghis khan is likewise credited with establishing an administrative structure based on laws and regulations which enabled his nomadic people to administer the vast empire. Genghis Khan is also reviled in history for the brutality he inflicted on his opponents in war (Jarus).Since the mid-seventeenth century until the intercept of the cold war era in the early 1990s, Mongolia was cut off from the rest of the world. It was under the hear of various Chinese ruling dynasties until the early 1900s. From the time of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917, Mongolia became a communist country and a part of the Soviet bloc. From the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mongolia is transitioning into a multi-party democracy.In recent times, Mongoli a has caught the worlds attention due to the discovery of an estimated $ 1.3 trillion value of mineral wealth in the country. The minerals include coal, copper, oil, gold, silver, iron ore, tin and uranium. Foreign mining companies have started investing vast sums in the mining industry causing the GDP to rise at over 14% a year, the fastest in the world (Eurasianet).Mongolia is aiming to use its mineral wealth to attract interest from the United States and otherwise countries as the means of balancing the dominance of its large neighbors, China and Russia. This has been enunciated by the Mongolian parliament as the third neighbor policy. The US and other countries see an opportunity in Mongolia to create a strategic zone of influence in the neighborhood of China and Russia (Wachman).This research paper would help run as an introduction to Mongolia which shapes to be a country that would frequently be in the news in the United States and around the world in the near

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Decision in Paradise part III Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

decisiveness in Paradise part III - Case Study ExampleGiven the technological opportunities gettable to the company, it is believed that it would be in a position to make a significant contribution to the economical reclamation and restructing in the island, Kava.The company which employs Nik has a large organizational structure and a wide capital foundation garment which could take care of the massive investments needed in Kava, both in terms of preventive and refilling interventions, mainly intended to enhance the standard of living of the people, through and through improved use of natural resources. anyway effective and result-oriented executives resembling Nik, the company also possesses the expertise of the technical savvy and widely experience director of Strategic Planning, Alex, who is familiar with all aspects of life and living on this island. (Strategies in Decision Making). Moreover, the local governance and the military would also be in a position to extend the needed support and steering to the company. While the cultural aspects are, no doubt, important, it is imperative that the company is able to harness the potencial of the local natives, through vocational guidance, counseling and training, in order to make them productive and utilize the natural resources and wealth for the benefit of the natives, through the organizational and technical acquirements of the company. In order to further reestablish and consolidate its position, it is necessary to improve the skill sets of the natives and translate it into profits for the company. The profits that accrue to the company could be partly utilized for welfare schemes for the natives, and for investments in advanced technologies that would bring quicker and larger profits for the company in the future. For attaining this, the company also call for to take into close confidence the religious and social groups functioning in the island, so that socio-economic developments could be transl ated into economic gains for the country.Action plans needed for implementation of the decisions 1. Since the island Kava is susceptible to natural calamities and disasters, it is first of all necessary to set into get in an effective Disaster Management Program Committee to effectively address and counter these issues. This committee would form of international experts on natural calamities and would also have sub-committes having functional heads, on various important aspects like funding, administration, training and losses assessment, rehabilitation and Recovery. It is necessary that these committes report regularly to the company and are well managed and manage by it. The