Monday, April 29, 2019

Religion and Music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religion and Music - search Paper ExamplePeople face numerous situations where they are compelled to listen to music whether by extract or without it. Even in our Muslim state no matter where we go we are essential to listen to music. Restaurants, department stores, homes, cars there is no place where music isnt played. With the availability of cell phones, I pods and so many electronic gadgets like these have eased the access to listening to music. It is imperative for us to know that what our religion teaches us about music and to what extent it permits us to listen to it. For this we need to give ear to the rule book, Hadith and sayings of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and Prophets companions. According to these sources, music has been termed as haraam in our religion. Interpreters of the sanctum sanctorum Quran have identified the term lahwal hadith as listening and singing songs, purchase singers and buying instruments for amusement. Sayyidana Abdullah Ibne Masood, a close c ompanion of the holy place Prophet was inquired the meaning of the phrase lahwal hadith and he answered, I swear by Him besides whom there is no other God, that it refers to ghinaa (singing). It is recollectd that he repeated this statement thrice and his views have been seconded by the Four Caliphs, the prominent Sahaba and other reliable personalities in Islam. Music is forbidden and alike regarded as a study sin in our religion. Playing of melodious instruments is also a major sin hence it is haraam to play the guitar, piano, drums etc. Imam Ali ibne Musa Reza says, And to be engrossed in musical instruments is also one of the great sins. (Bhimji) A verse from Surah Luqman in the Holy Quran is often offered as a proof of prohibition of music, And there are among men those who purchase idle talk in order to mislead others from Allahs path without knowledge, and who throw ridicule upon it. For such there will be a humiliating punishment. The word idle talk here refers to the word lahwal hadith which has been discussed earlier. This word has been interpreted in two more ways but they refer to shirk (polytheism) and diverting people from Allahs religion which takes us to the same idea of engaging in prohibited activities. (al-Kanadi) However there are contradicting views that offer be found among people and many misinterpret that music is permitted in our religion. The Quran says, And verily, We did favor some of the prophets over others, and to Dawood We gave the Psalms. This verse of the Quran is not a proof for those who consider music cosmos legal. Psalm (Zaboor) was the Holy Scripture that was given to Hazrat Dawood by Allah and it contained teachings of wisdom and talked about Allahs greatness. Nowhere in the holy book is it mentioned that music or musical instruments are allowed. The truth is that Prophet Dawood was blessed with a melodious voice which was intensely beautiful and captivating that when he recited the Zaboor men, birds, animals a nd jinn gathered around him to listen to his recitation. This in by no means indicate that Zaboor was reveled with musical instruments or talked about music.(al-Kanadi) Some people believe that another verse from the Holy Quran relating to Prophet Ayyub permits music and dancing. Allah the All Mighty, commands Prophet Muhammad in Holy Quran, And recall Our servant, Ayyub, when he cried unto his Lord, Verily, Satan has afflicted me with distress and suffering. It was said unto him, Strike the ground with your foot here is a spring for a cool bath and water to drink. Many Sufis have taken the phrase Strike the ground with your foot as an act for allowing music and dancing however the tafseer of the Holy Quran re

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